Film & Video by Martin Demaine

Lino Tagliapietra: Glass Magician

13-minute film featuring glass maestro Lino Tagliapietra during his visit to MIT in October 2010.

Waves in Glass

Featuring blind glass blowing and curved-crease paper folding.

Part of a series of curved-crease sculpture.

Metamorphosis of the Cube

Unfoldings and refoldings of convex polyhedra, in particular the cube.

Appears in the 8th Annual Video Review of Computational Geometry, SoCG 1999.

Between The Folds poster art Between The Folds [IMDB]

I appear in this documentary about origami science and art. It may be available as a stream or as a NetFlix stream/DVD.

Thanks to director Vanessa Gould for making this film!

Last updated July 14, 2012 by Martin Demaine.Accessibility