Paper by Martin L. Demaine

Gill Barequet, Nadia Benbernou, David Charlton, Erik D. Demaine, Martin L. Demaine, Mashhood Ishaque, Anna Lubiw, André Schulz, Diane L. Souvaine, Godfried T. Toussaint, and Andrew Winslow, “Bounded-Degree Polyhedronization of Point Sets”, in Proceedings of the 22nd Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry (CCCG 2010), Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, August 9–11, 2010, pages 99–102.

The paper is 4 pages.

The paper is available in PDF (270k).
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Related papers:
Polyhedronization_CGTA (Bounded-Degree Polyhedronization of Point Sets)

See also other papers by Martin Demaine.
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Last updated November 17, 2022 by Martin Demaine.