Paper by Martin L. Demaine

Greg Aloupis, Jean Cardinal, Sébastien Collette, Erik D. Demaine, Martin L. Demaine, Muriel Dulieu, Ruy Fabila-Monroy, Vi Hart, Ferran Hurtado, Stefan Langerman, Maria Saumell, Carlos Seara, and Perouz Taslakian, “Non-crossing matchings of points with geometric objects”, Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, volume 46, number 1, January 2013, pages 78–92.

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Related papers:
MatchingPoints_LATIN2010 (Matching Points with Things)
MatchingPoints_JCCGG2009 (Matching Points with Things)

See also other papers by Martin Demaine.
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Last updated November 17, 2022 by Martin Demaine.