Paper by Martin L. Demaine

Esther M. Arkin, Michael A. Bender, Erik D. Demaine, Martin L. Demaine, Joseph S. B. Mitchell, Saurabh Sethia, and Steven S. Skiena, “When Can You Fold a Map?”, in Abstracts from the 10th Annual Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry, Stony Brook, New York, October 27–28, 2000.

Ivars Peterson wrote an article describing these results, “Proof clarifies a map-folding problem”, Science News 158(26-27):406, December 23-30, 2002.

Helen Pearson also wrote an article describing these results, “Origami solves road map riddle”, Nature Science Update, February 18, 2002.

The abstract is 2 pages and the talk is 20 minutes.

The abstract is available in PostScript (49k).
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Related papers:
MapFolding (When Can You Fold a Map?)
MapFoldingWADS2001 (When Can You Fold a Map?)

See also other papers by Martin Demaine.
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Last updated November 17, 2022 by Martin Demaine.